SEF Oct-13 – Review

 Sefton Economic Forum Review

(To view/download the Presentations from the day CLICK HERE)

A big thank you to everybody who attended the Sefton Economic Forum last month at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Southport and to InvestSefton for organising such a successful event. 

 With a focus on innovation and growing your business to succeed in a competitive market, the event was a great opportunity to network and hear about the business support services available from the University of Liverpool, InvestSefton and the Liverpool City Regional LEP.
 Over 140 delegates were present to hear Dr. Paul Redmond (Director of Employability and Educational Opportunities at the University of Liverpool) outline the benefits of using the University of Liverpool’s Graduate to Merseyside service to assist in the recruitment of graduates that can make an immediate and long term impact to your business.
Other speakers on the day included Alan Welby (Liverpool City Regional LEP), Mark Long (Sefton Council Head of Economy & Tourism), Jenny Poulton (Agility Centre) and Bruce Pinnington (C2i Programme). To view/download the presentations from the day please click here.
Ryan Crosbie of Elite Foods was very happy with the event noting:
“The event organised by Invest Sefton was one of the best set of seminars and presentations that I have been to in my capacity as a director for Elite Foods.  The content was informative, educational and highly motivating and the delivery was professional and engaging.
I learnt some very useful things on the day that actually changed the way I am thinking about the business operation, planning and marketing. It also gave valuable insights into the strategies and decision making process of customers, clients and staff.
It really was well worth attending and I would like to thank you for the work that was involved in putting this together.”
If you have any queries on how Graduate to the Merseyside or the University of Liverpool can assist your business please contact us. Graduate to Merseyside t. 0151 794 5112 e.

To view/download the Presentations from the day CLICK HERE