Wireless Global Congress

Start Date27/06/2016
Start Time9.00am
End Date30/06/2016
End Time6.00pm
Venue China/ India Suite, Exhibition Centre
Kings Dock
L3 4FP (Click here to view a map of the venue)

WBA’s Wireless Global Congress is the world’s leading wireless event that attracts more than 700 attendees, and 60 high-level speakers and panelists aims to deliver insights from leading technology visionaries, deployment stories from leading operators and global market updates from leading narratives. The Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) is the leading non-profit trade association that focuses on the development of Wi-Fi and unlicensed wireless services. It’s your opportunity to network with market leaders and debate the big issues that are transforming our industry – IoT, evolution and integration for connected cities, convergent technologies, the challenges and opportunities of license exempt deployment and the drivers and business models associated with real world carrier grade Wi-Fi roll out.

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