Unlock Business Opportunities in Ireland

Start Date30/01/2018
Start Time11.45am
End Time2.00pm
Venue Ruskin
Ruskin Drive
St Helens
WA10 6RP (Click here to view a map of the venue)

Ireland is an ideal first step market for UK companies.  There is strong bilateral trade between the two countries and 3 million British tourists visit Ireland every year.

The UK is Ireland’s most important trading partner while Ireland, with a population of 4.6 million is the 5th most important market for British exports, thus illustrating the significance of geography in facilitating economic interation.

Benefits for UK businesses exporting to Ireland include English speaking, same time zone, strong transport links, similar regulatory and legal framework, sophisticated consumer market, open economy,
used to imports and good perception of the quality of British goods and services.

People-to-people contacts also contribute an important strand to the Irish-UK partnership. The Irish community is part of the fabric of British society and Irish people make a significant contribution in every walk of life in today’s Britain.

• Doing Business in Ireland – Margaret Bourke, DIT
• Considerations when trading in Ireland – Paul Whitnell, British Irish Trading Alliance
• Export Success in Ireland Case Study
• European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) support available for local businesses

SME’s based in the Liverpool City Region will have priority to attend this event.

To register for this event, please click here.

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