Meet the Buyer event: Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust and Farran Heron Joint Venture

Start Date22/02/2018
Start Time9.30am
End Time12.00pm
Venue Bootle Town Hall
Trinity Road
L20 7AE (Click here to view a map of the venue)

Admission is by ticket, with registration via InvestSefton only.

On 22 February, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust and Farran Heron Joint Venture (FHJV) are hosting a Meet the Buyer event.  Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust has commissioned FHJV to build a prestigious new mental health facility in Southport in 2018, comprising 44 en-suite bedrooms, treatment
rooms, and an outdoor garden.  As part of their commitment to achieving Social Value from their procurements, the Trust and FHJV are holding a Meet the Buyer event in partnership with InvestSefton and Sefton@Work, Sefton Council’s investment and employment service.

Businesses selected for the Meet the Buyer will be offered assistance from InvestSefton and  Sefton@Work, including registering on the FHJV supplier portal, bidding for public sector contract opportunities and recruitment support.

The Meet the Buyer is likely to be oversubscribed, and early booking is advised.  To express interest
contact Sharon or Dom at InvestSefton on 0151 934 3452 or email

Eligibility Conditions may apply.  Preference will be given to Sefton based businesses.

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