HR- Discipline & Grievance
Start Date | 28/11/2013 |
Start Time | 10:00am |
End Time | 1:00 pm |
Venue | SMBC Promenade Office Promenade (next to Southport Theatre) Southport PR9 0DZ (Click here to view a map of the venue) |
To provide delegates with an understanding of the purpose of disciplinary procedures, when to invoke and when and how to implement including when it may be appropriate to suspend an Employee. To provide delegates with a brief overview of what constitutes a Grievance. By the end of the workshop, delegates will be able to understand:
– Why organisations have disciplinary procedures
– The part procedures play in an Employment Tribunal
– What statutory rights an employee has
– The main steps within a disciplinary procedure, including the right to appeal
– Where to go for support when handling a disciplinary
– The difference between conduct and gross misconduct
– What constitutes a Grievance?
Please note that this event has been organised by the Merseyside Business Support Programme, funded through European Regional Development Fund, and participation in the event will be counted as direct support to your business and will need to be included in any De Minimis Declaration under State Aid rules.
Priority will be given to private sector businesses based within the Sefton MBC local authority area.