Health & Safety

Start Date01/07/2016
Start Time09:00am
End Time10:00am
Venue Liverpool & Sefton Chambers of Commerce
Number One Old Hall Street
L3 9HG (Click here to view a map of the venue)

This is a Liverpool & Sefton Chambers of Commerce event.

Pricing Information: Members – free, Non-members – £10

‘There has been a terrible accident!’ What do you do?

‘You need to return to site, there has been a terrible accident!’

It is that stomach churning moment you hear that one of your staff has been seriously injured. What do you do? How to you cope with the situation whilst attempting to save your business? With new health and safety sentencing guidelines you could be to imprisoned and subject to unlimited fines. This could be the end of your business, family and way of life.

STORM is a leading health and safety company that provides industry with specialist assistance in the event of accident. STORM provides post fatal or serious accident investigation and whose aim it is to protect and guide you and your business through this nightmare. STORM has been involved in some high profile UK safety fatalities.

On this RUM 60 you will learn:

-What to do immediately after and accident or fatality
-Dealing with your staff
-Liaising and disclosure with the HSE
-Preparing for court
-Recovering your business

In order to book your place either book online; or call us on 0151 227 1234.

Jonathan Cunningham MBE is a high profile industry speaker on safety. He has advised numerous overseas companies and over seen the investigation over many serious and fatal accidents. If safety is important to you then this RUM 60 is not to be missed. It could stop you going to prison!

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