Business Breakfast

Start Date26/04/2016
Start Time7:45am
End Time10am
Venue Mercure Liverpool Atlantic Tower Hotel
Chapel Street
L3 9RE (Click here to view a map of the venue)

A review of all post 16 education is due to take place. If you are interested in this subject and how the significant changes to post 16 education affect your business, now or in the future, or if you want to voice an opinion and make suggestions then come along!

Business Breakfast

7.45am for an 8am start (10am finish)

Tuesday 26th April

Mercure Liverpool Atlantic Tower Hotel, Chapel Street, Liverpool, L3 9RE

If you would  like to attend the event and for your voice to be heard, please confirm your attendance to by noon on Friday (22 April 2016) Or ring Jon on 0151 443 3499 for more information.

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