How to better your business in seven days

Start Date28/03/2018
Start Time9.00am
End Time10.00am
Venue The Shed, Unit 51,
Baltic Creative,
49 Jamaica Street,
L1 0AH (Click here to view a map of the venue)

Businesses that innovate are seen to have significantly greater growth rates, enhanced productivity and are more likely to operate in international markets than companies that do not. Yet over 50% of new, innovative products and services launched onto the market fail.

At this seminar, we will explain how adopting an innovation management approach to the way you direct and organise your business, can help you to overcome these barriers. We will show you how to discover, evaluate and develop ideas and turn them into results for which customers will pay

Innovate2Succeed is a fully-funded programme, delivered by RTC North, which helps ambitious, growing companies to better manage innovation. Our experienced innovation specialists can work with you to help you understand the barriers within your organisation to successful innovation, create an action plan with you and then provide coaching and mentoring support to help you implement the plan, drawing in further external expertise as required.

On completion of the programme, your business will be better placed to:

  • Bring products and services to new or existing markets
  • Identify market opportunities for new and existing products in the UK and abroad
  • Have a more defined plan for future growth
  • Recognise, value and understand how to protect intellectual property and make better use of it
  • Explore and address the organisational changes that may arise within your growing business
  • Introduce new processes that lead to the development of products and services

Who should attend?

  • Do you have the ambition to grow your business through the introduction of new products and services, or accessing new markets?
  • Would you benefit from independent support to help define the right innovation strategy?
  • Would you like to enhance your in-house skills for managing innovation to reduce your Time to Profit?
  • Do you need to acquire understanding, knowledge and techniques needed to drive your business forward?
  • Would you like to find out about how to access the fully funded support that your business could be eligible?

Unlock the potential for your business.

To book on this free event click here.

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