News & Publications

13/08/20- New temporary pavement licence to support Sefton Businesses

Sefton Council appreciates that the hospitality sector has been particularly hard hit by the restrictions put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As businesses are now starting to re-open, due to limited space and to implement the Government’s social distancing measures, many cafes, restaurants and bars may wish to use outdoor seating areas to allow customers to safely sit and eat and drink

The council have adopted a new temporary pavement licence process, a streamlined consent route to allow businesses to obtain a licence to place temporary furniture, such as tables and chairs, outside cafes, bars and restaurants quickly and for a fee of no more than £100.00.

The temporary measures can be extended up to the end of September 2021, with no requirement for planning permission during this period. The measures also provide automatic extensions to the terms of on-sales alcohol licences to allow for off-sales.

Cllr John Fairclough, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Locality Services said: In response to new Government legislation, the council have adopted a Pavement Café Policy to Support local businesses as they recover from this Pandemic.

“These new ‘pavement licences’ will allow businesses selling food and drink to obtain permission to place tables and chairs on the public highway outside their premises, whilst still having regards for all users of the highway, especially those with disabilities.

“These measures will help ease some of the legislative requirements concerning planning and licensing, while social distancing guidelines remain in place.

“It’s important the we can support Sefton businesses as we want our high street to bounce back from the effects Coronavirus.

For more information on the application and how to apply visit:,-roads-travel/temporary-pavement-licence.aspx

The Government guidance (Business and Planning Bill 2020).


(Source: Sefton Council)