News & Publications

08/04/2020- Sefton Council rolls out business support funding and support to local businesses during COVID-19

Businesses in Sefton are being offered a series of support packages, as measures are taken and developed to tackle the impact of COVID-19.  The response is being driven by Sefton’s Business Rates team with support from InvestSefton, which leads on the Council’s business support.  Dedicated information is available on all aspects of the strategy being implemented to support businesses on the InvestSefton website:

InvestSefton has assembled details of all the financial support and general guidance that is available for businesses at both a local and national level, which it will keep updating and sharing as new measures are announced.  At present this includes information on business rates, funding schemes, the self-employment income scheme, the coronavirus retention scheme and measures in place to cover statutory sick pay.

Crucially, InvestSefton is working with partners to lobby on the issues where it believes that further support is needed.  It will do this by identifying where it believes the gaps may lie and by listening to the concerns of businesses in the Borough.  One of the subjects it is already focusing upon, is to try and ensure that all small businesses receive the help they need within the plans being developed by Central Government.

Read more here.

(Source: MYSefton)