Eco Stars Workshop

Start Date17/02/2015
Start Time10.00am Registration
End Time12.15pm (followed by free lunch)
Venue Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre
Cambridge Road
L22 1RR (Click here to view a map of the venue)

Are you a coach operator or haulier, or a business with vans or lorries visiting Bootle or South Sefton?

Would you like to save £2,000-£3,000 per vehicle in a year on fuel costs, and gain a free ECO Stars accreditation as a green business?

Sefton Council and InvestSefton are hosting a Sefton ECO Stars Workshop for businesses on Tuesday, 17 February, at Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre (10am-12.15pm followed by lunch). At the event, businesses will learn about the Sefton ECO Stars scheme, funded by DEFRA at no cost to the business.  Under the scheme, businesses receive a free assessment by a fleet specialist at their premises, aimed at reducing fuel costs and emissions. Topics include fuel management, vehicle specification and driver skills. A report and action plan is prepared, and you will be awarded an ECO Stars rating, for promotion on your web site, on vehicles, and in selling to your customers.  Membership of the scheme is free, and members will continue to receive regular updates on opportunities for saving fuel, and reducing emissions.

At the event businesses will also receive information on support available through InvestSefton to help their business grow, including access to grants and finance, tendering, and business planning.

To Register for this event please complete the Registration Form below.


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