60RUM – ‘How to stay on the right side of the VAT Inspector’

Start Date07/10/2016
Start Time09:00am
End Time10:00am
Venue Liverpool & Sefton Chambers of Commerce
Number One Old Hall Street
L3 9HG (Click here to view a map of the venue)

This is a Liverpool & Sefton Chambers of Commerce event

Members: free, non-members: free

“Good afternoon, this is HM Revenue and Customs calling to let you know that your business has been selected for a VAT inspection.”

Is this a call you dread? If so then you will find the sixty minutes of our October event very useful indeed!

VAT officers can visit your business to inspect your VAT records to make sure you are paying or reclaiming the right amount of VAT, sometimes at very short notice.

At this session Moore and Smalley’s VAT manager Mike Marsden will explain what to expect during a VAT inspection and what an inspector is looking for when they visit. He will also highlight common errors, for example VAT on fuel and VAT on expenses and how to correct any mistakes.

Delegates can expect to receive practical advice on how to record their VAT and understand what they can and can’t claim. Issues around VAT penalties, the types of penalties that exist and how to appeal them will also be covered in his presentation.

In order to book your place either book online; email: events@liverpoolchamber.org.uk  or call us on 0151 227 1234.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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